
SSC sponsors the eCulture Convention

From September 15 to 17, the eCulture Convention, sponsored by SSC, will take place. Held at the High-Performance Computing Center (HLRS) in Stuttgart, the event is open free of charge to anyone interested in the arts, sciences, and technology to view presentations, attend workshops, and interact one-on-one with guests and the international experts in Open Doors.

eCulture is about the dawn of a new cultural era in which the use of digital media plays a central role in the culture industry. But even without reference to art or specifically to eCulture, the convention offers interesting insights to learn about new aspects and broaden one’s horizons.

I would say that you just go there freely and let yourself be surprised! We are happy about everyone who comes, who also asks questions and participates. – Matthias Hauser (executive director of the MSC and organiser of the eCulture Convention)

For example, Prof. Dr. Bernd Eberhardt, Prof. Jan Adamczyk and Prof. Ursula Drees from the Hochschule der Medien will present their work and research in the field of artificial intelligence, animation, and media art. Also worthwhile is the talk by Prof. Dr. Michael Resch, head of HLRS, on the convergence of man and machine, which will talk about a new cyber world that is beginning to spill over into the real human world. A special highlight is the workshop of the group “La Fura dels Baus” from Barcelona, currently the largest performance art group worldwide. The entire program as well as registration for individual talks is here available.

To get more insight into the idea and process of the eCulture Convention, we invited the organiser of the convention, Matthias Hauser, and our managing director, Matthias Stroezel, for an interview. Please activate the subtitles in the YouTube menu bar for the English translation.

The eCulture Convention is organized by the Media Solution Center Baden-Württemberg (MSC), of which SSC is a founding member. The idea of the MSC is to create a connection between science and art in the digital age. A unique aspect of this is the creative industry’s access to the high-performance computing center.

I also have a certain affinity for art, and I find this combination very unique and, of course, for us, the opportunity to offer topics in other areas, outside the automotive industry. – Matthias Stroezel (managing director of SSC and founding member of MSC)

Read more about the Media Solution Center and the role of SSC in the first part of our interview series. The interview can be viewed here.

We are looking forward to the convention and invite everyone to participate and be inspired. Participation is free of charge!