Identity & Access Management
Managing digital identities
Especially in today’s world, where companies increasingly rely on digital systems and processes, it is crucial to keep an eye on the entire lifecycle of user identities, rights and accesses.
SSC has made it its business to sustainably structure, manage and provide solutions to the chaos of digital identities and their rights! This ensures that only authorised users have access to sensitive information and that data security is guaranteed at all times.
Our IAM (Identity & Access Management) service is a holistic process.
We record and analyse your processes, illuminate system landscapes and their architectures and thus create a solid basis for your requirements concept. When managing digital identities and rights, we have to consider a variety of requirements to ensure that your data and systems are optimally protected. These include, for example, the management of role groups, the control of rights lifecycles and the monitoring of changes when a user changes areas.
Any weaknesses and potential for improvement that are identified are transferred into a functioning IAM system by our experts, in close cooperation with you.
With SSC, you have a partner who also helps you operationally with the establishment and management of your processes. We pay particular attention to consistently defined workflows, continuous process improvement, security, transparency and fast response times.