Realisation – The Summit Success
Always on the Move and Your Goal firmly in Sight
Field-Proven Products and Services
Today, mountain guides benefit from the many groundbreaking experiences gained in the practice of alpinism and can build on these. SSC can also draw on many years of experience, because every piece of feedback from our customers flows into the development of our products, but also ensures the orientation of our services. This means that our products and services always meet the highest and most current requirements.
Focus on the Individual Client Goal
At SSC you meet attentive counterparts. We don’t sell you standard methods, but offer added value with agile methods in short time intervals that constantly exceed customer requirements. You describe your boldest ideas to us and we find the creative and yet appropriately realisable solution for your »peak success«.
Flexibility and Foresight
Just as every mountain region has its own special features, every business landscape is different and special. That is why we adapt our solutions precisely to this and act with foresight and flexibility. Whether we use our software or develop our own for you, support you with the implementation in any depth, train your employees or even operate processes and software on your behalf – in each case we choose the best path to the goal for you.
Agile Target Adjustment
If requirements or goals change in the course of the project, SSC increasingly comes into play in an advisory capacity, warns of possible new obstacles, but also points out new opportunities. This is where the strength of our agile approach becomes apparent, because in these cases we can shift requirements or (stage) goals during the ongoing process and finally reach the “main summit” by other means. In a complex environment, we live a culture of fault tolerance. When requirements are unclear, learning from mistakes is inevitable in order to avoid them in the future.